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Fairfield Hills Authority - 11/15/05
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, Amy Dent, William Lavery, John Reed, Moira Rodgers, Donald Studley, Andrew Willie, Julia Wasserman

ALSO PRESENT: First Selectman Rosenthal, Maria DeMarco (DeMarco, Miles & Murphy), Scott Bailllie (O&G), Ed Marks (Parks & Rec Commission), Joseph Borst (Legislative Council), Richard Sturdevant, one member of public, one member of press

Acceptance of Minutes:  Upon motion by Mr. Lavery, the minutes of the 10/18/05 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

Public Participation:  None noted

Finance Committee:  Mr. Studley distributed copies of the Fairfield Hills Operating Expenses and Fairfield Hills Bond Issue which he prepared (copy attached to original minutes).  
        Dr. Reed moved that the Finance Committee bring back recommendations pertaining to fiscal operations as it relates to carry over funds and operating budget.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Operating Committee Report:  Judge Lavery distributed copies of proposed By-Laws.  Dr. Reed moved to adopt the By-Laws as presented.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  (copy attached to original minutes)
        Mr. Baillie advised that nine firms responded to the RFQ for architectural services for the town hall and mothballing and seven firms responded to the RFQ for playing fields.  A selection committee reviewed the submittals and rated the firms.  This information was compiled and the top three firms in each category will be interviewed.  He has met with the three firms selected for the town hall/mothballing project at the site and reviewed what is being requested of them.  The interviews will be held on November 22.  The top three firms chosen for the playing fields will be meeting with him at the site on 11/18.
        First Selectman Rosenthal arrived at this time.
        Members of the Authority received copies of the building condition analysis prepared by O&G Industries (copy attached to original minutes) for Stratford, Newtown Hall and Woodbury Hall.
        Ms. DeMarco reported that Russell Bartley, environmental consultant, now has an office set up in the security building.  Fleet Environmental, who is being awarded the contract for the remediation, has set up a trailer office on the property.  She has met with the Police Chief and Captain to work out the traffic patter for the trucks during the remediation.
        On Halloween, there was extra security and extra police presence on the campus grounds.  There were a lot of trespassers and one arrest, but no break-ins.  
        Ms. DeMarco is looking at finding another storage area for items left by town offices in Canaan House.  She will work with town staff on this.  
        Ms. DeMarco reported that two students, who were present and filming this evening, will be filming on the campus.  First Selectman Rosenthal advised that they can film on the grounds but there will be no admittance to any of the buildings.  The First Selectman’s office has received many requests by students and others who want to film in the buildings and all have been told the same.  Chairman Geckle agreed.
        Regarding trails, Dr. Reed feels that providing walking trails validates what the citizens are currently doing on the property.  A trail system is something that will benefit many residents.  The Master Plan only contains a sketch of a trail system.  Until there is cost information, he is reluctant to speak to the public about trails.  Ms. Dent moved to include trails within the overall scope for the engineering firms working on playing fields.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  

Planning Committee:  Ms. Dent reported that they met with someone from economic development to see where money might be available.  There are some grants out there but nothing large enough to fill the gap in money appropriated.  There is no grant large enough to fill our requirements but possibly there are federal dollars and they will be talking with U.S. Representative Nancy Johnson.  First Selectman Rosenthal suggested they also speak with Senator Dodd.  
        Mr. Rosenthal advised that the Board of Selectmen has appointed Mr. Walter Motyka as a member of this Authority to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Sturdevant.  There were three excellent candidates for this vacancy who were interviewed by the Board of Selectmen.  
        Dr. Reed moved to adopt the 2006 Meeting Schedule (attached to original minutes).  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk

Attachment A:  Fairfield Hills Operating Expenses
Attachment B:  Fairfield Hills Authority By-Laws
Attachment C:  Building Condition Analysis
Attachment D:  2006 Meeting Schedule